ROBUST ( Molting Enhanser )

Nurturing Aquatic Vitality & Promoting smooth moulting

ROBUST emerges as a versatile solution in aquaculture, offering a spectrum of uses and benefits for the well-being of aquatic organisms:
Ferric Ammonium Citrate – 100mg
Ca’cium Gluconate 750 mg
Magnesium Sulphate 80 mg
Vitamin D3 500 IU
Vitamin B 12 500mcg

Regulation of Moulting Cycle:

– ROBUST plays a pivotal role in regulating the moulting cycle, ensuring a harmonious and well-coordinated process. This contributes to improved growth rates and overall survival of aquatic organisms.

Control of White Muscle and Body Cramping:

– The formulation effectively controls white muscle issues and body cramping, addressing common concerns in aquatic environments and promoting overall health.
Enhanced Detoxification and Oxygenation:

– ROBUST enhances the detoxification process, promoting the efficient removal of toxins from the aquatic system. Additionally, it facilitates oxygenation of blood cells, contributing to optimal respiratory function.

Maintenance of Phyto & Zoo Plankton:

– The formulation is designed to improve and maintain the populations of desirable phytoplankton and zooplankton. This ensures a rich and diverse aquatic ecosystem, supporting the nutritional needs of aquatic organisms.

Optimisation of Osmo-regulatory Function:

– ROBUST optimises osmo-regulatory functions within aquatic organisms, maintaining the delicate balance of internal fluids and ions for optimal physiological performance.
Improvement in White Blood Cell Function:

– The formulation enhances the function of white blood cells, bolstering the immune response of aquatic organisms. This contributes to a resilient defence against diseases and infections.

Nutritional Enrichment of Aquatic Ecosystem:

The Superiority of Calcium Gluconate Salt Over Other Calcium Salts
Calcium gluconate salt holds a distinctive position among various calcium salts due to its unique properties, making it superior in several aspects. Here are key reasons why calcium gluconate stands out:

While different calcium salts may have their specific uses and advantages, calcium gluconate’s high bioavailability, gentle nature, solubility, stability, and versatility in medical applications contribute to its superiority in certain contexts, especially in formulations where efficient calcium delivery and patient comfort are prioritized.

– ROBUST goes beyond individual benefits, actively participating in the nutritional enrichment of the entire aquatic ecosystem. This holistic approach fosters a thriving and balanced environment.

ROBUST, with its comprehensive range of uses and benefits, stands as a reliable companion in aquaculture, fostering vitality, resilience, and sustained health in aquatic populations.
Dosage Instructions for ROBUST:

For optimal results and the well-being of aquatic organisms, adhere to the following dosage instructions:

Dosage: During molting day, previous day and the next day add 10-15 MI per kg feed in the second feed, apply Serigel and cast all over the pond uniformly, or as directed by the Aqua Consultant. These dosage instructions are crafted to synchronize with the molting cycle, optimizing the benefits of ROBUST for growth, survival, and overall well-being of aquatic organisms.

Indications: Stress free molting, pond color, enhance feed intake

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