ZEOSER ( Zeolites )

Harnessing the Power of Nature for Aquaculture Harmony


ZEOSER, a volcanic substance, is wholly derived from natural sources, boasting major elements like Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) and Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3). In aquaculture, ZEOSER plays a pivotal role in absorbing ammonium and ammonia gas, mitigating the conversion of nitrogen to nitrates and nitrites responsible for water pollution. It serves multifaceted purposes, acting as a fertilizer, toxin binder in animal feed, and an agent for controlling odors emanating from water bodies. ZEOSER goes beyond, contributing to the improvement of pond water quality, pH regulation, and the maintenance of a pollution-free ecosystem.

1. Silicon Dioxide (SiO2):

– Ammonia Absorption: Silicon Dioxide acts as a powerful absorbent for ammonia and ammonium, crucial in preventing water contamination and maintaining a healthy aquatic environment.
– pH Regulation: It contributes to the regulation of pH levels in pond water, ensuring a stable and conducive environment for aquatic life.
– Water Quality Improvement: By absorbing ammonia, Silicon Dioxide aids in improving pond water quality, fostering optimal conditions for aquatic organisms.

2. Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3):

– Nitrogen Conversion Control: Aluminum Oxide plays a key role in reducing the conversion of nitrogen to nitrates and nitrites, addressing a major source of water pollution in aquaculture.

– Fertilizer Effect: The presence of Aluminum Oxide enhances ZEOSER’s utility as a fertilizer, providing essential elements for the nourishment of aquatic ecosystems.

– Toxin Binding: In animal feed, Aluminum Oxide serves as a potent toxin binder, contributing to the overall health and well-being of aquatic organisms.

ZEOSER, with its natural origin and the synergistic action of Silicon Dioxide and Aluminum Oxide, emerges as a sustainable solution for aquaculture practices, promoting water quality, pH regulation, and a balanced ecosystem.

Dosage: depending up on DOC / Sludge 15-25 Kgs per acre or as advised by Aqua Consultant. Simultaneous use of Rodopro and/or Prozyme Y enhances the required response

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